A pharmaceutical company wants to extract an ingredient from pomace supplied by a certain food processing plant. Which process is the most efficient with the lowest environmental impact?(1 point)

A. organic solvent extraction
B. enzyme extraction <---?
C. catalyst extraction
D. high pressure, high temperature water extraction

To determine which process is the most efficient with the lowest environmental impact for extracting an ingredient from pomace, we need to compare the options: A. organic solvent extraction, B. enzyme extraction, C. catalyst extraction, and D. high pressure, high temperature water extraction.

1. Organic solvent extraction: This method involves using organic solvents to dissolve and extract the desired ingredient from the pomace. The efficiency of this process depends on the solubility of the ingredient in the chosen solvent. However, organic solvents can have negative environmental impacts, including potential toxicity and the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere.

2. Enzyme extraction: Enzyme extraction utilizes enzymes to break down and release the desired ingredient from the pomace. Enzymes are natural biomolecules that catalyze chemical reactions, and they can be relatively specific in their action. This extraction method is generally considered to have lower environmental impact compared to organic solvent extraction because it avoids the use of potentially harmful chemicals. Enzymes can often be produced from renewable sources, further enhancing their environmental credentials.

3. Catalyst extraction: Catalyst extraction involves the use of a catalyst that facilitates the extraction of the ingredient from the pomace by promoting the desired reaction. The efficiency and environmental impact of catalyst extraction depend on the specific catalyst chosen. Some catalysts are environmentally friendly, while others may have negative effects due to the presence of toxic or non-renewable components.

4. High pressure, high temperature water extraction: This method uses water at high pressure and temperature to extract the desired ingredient from the pomace. It leverages the unique properties of water under extreme conditions to enhance the extraction process. This technique can be efficient, but it requires energy to reach and maintain high pressure and temperature levels. Depending on the energy source used, it may have a higher environmental impact compared to enzyme extraction.

Considering all the options, enzyme extraction appears to be the most efficient with the lowest environmental impact for extracting an ingredient from pomace. It avoids the use of harmful solvents and can often utilize renewable sources for enzyme production. However, it is important to assess the specific requirements and characteristics of the ingredient being extracted and consider other factors such as cost and availability when making a final decision.

Frankly I think this is too general to answer with any sense of certainty. I have seen literally hundreds of web sites over the last two/three weeks. Are we talking about grape pomace, potato pomace, or hundreds of other kinds of pomace. The problem isn't clear. Additionally I doubt that any one process will be most effective as well as environmentally friendsly for ALL kinds of pomace. So this is a real crap shoot. The most promising site I found was this one below talking about a COMBINATION enzyme and high pressure/high temperature water.

h ttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0260877420302260