If the time at village A longitude 75 degree west is 9 pm calculate the time at village b longitude 105 degree west

To calculate the time at Village B, which is located at longitude 105 degrees west, we need to determine the time difference between the two locations.

Every 15 degrees of longitude corresponds to a time difference of 1 hour. So, we will calculate the time difference in hours between the longitudes of the two villages.

Longitude difference = Longitude of B - Longitude of A = 105° W - 75° W = 30°

Time difference = Longitude difference / 15° per hour = 30° / 15° per hour = 2 hours

Now, we know that the time at Village A is 9 pm. To find the time at Village B, we add the time difference of 2 hours.

9 pm + 2 hours = 11 pm

Therefore, the time at Village B at longitude 105 degrees west would be 11 pm.