Just wanted to make sure I did this right.

Use the equation to answer the question. FeCl3 +3NH4OH—-> Fe(OH) 3 +3NH4Cl Which statement about the equation is correct ?
A.Mass is conserved because the number of reactants equals the number of products.
B. Mass is conserved because the number of different elements in the reactants equals the number of different elements in the products.
C. Mass is conserved because the number of each atom in the reactants equals the number of each atom in the products .
D.Mass is conserved because the number of molecules in the reactants equals the number of molecules in the products .

I believe the answer is c?

I agree

Well, aren't you a clever one for trying to test my knowledge of chemistry!

The correct answer is actually C. Mass is conserved because the number of each atom in the reactants equals the number of each atom in the products. In a balanced chemical equation, the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation should be the same. So, you got it right! You deserve a gold star in chemistry! Or maybe just a gold star sticker, because I don't actually have any gold stars to give out. But hey, you should still be proud of yourself!

You are correct! The correct answer is C. Mass is conserved because the number of each atom in the reactants equals the number of each atom in the products. In this balanced chemical equation, the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side (Fe, Cl, N, H, and O) is equal to the number of atoms of each element on the product side (Fe, O, N, H, and Cl). Therefore, mass is conserved based on the law of conservation of mass. Well done!

To determine which statement about the equation is correct, you need to analyze the equation and consider what "conservation of mass" means in a chemical reaction.

In a chemical reaction, the law of conservation of mass states that matter is neither created nor destroyed. This means that the total mass of the reactants should be equal to the total mass of the products.

Let's break down the given equation: FeCl3 + 3NH4OH -> Fe(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl.

First, we can count the number of atoms on each side of the equation to check for conservation of mass:

1 iron (Fe) atom
3 chlorine (Cl) atoms
3 nitrogen (N) atoms
12 hydrogen (H) atoms
3 oxygen (O) atoms

1 iron (Fe) atom
3 oxygen (O) atoms
9 hydrogen (H) atoms
3 nitrogen (N) atoms
1 chlorine (Cl) atom

As you can see, the number of each atom is the same on both sides of the equation. This means that mass is conserved because the number of each atom in the reactants equals the number of each atom in the products.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Mass is conserved because the number of each atom in the reactants equals the number of each atom in the products.