How did Lincoln deal with criticism of his presidency during the war?

To understand how Lincoln dealt with criticism of his presidency during the war, we can look into historical accounts and resources. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can explore this topic:

1. Research primary and secondary sources: Begin by examining primary sources, such as speeches, letters, and newspaper articles from the Civil War era. Secondary sources like books and scholarly articles can also provide analysis and insights into this topic.

2. Study Lincoln's speeches and public statements: Look for instances where Lincoln addresses criticism directly. His speeches can shed light on how he presented himself and responded to his detractors during the war. Notable speeches to consider include the Gettysburg Address and his second inaugural address.

3. Analyze contemporary newspaper articles: Explore newspapers from the time period to understand the various criticisms Lincoln faced. Pay attention to editorials, opinion pieces, and letters to the editor. This can help you identify common criticisms and Lincoln's responses.

4. Examine political cartoons and illustrations: Political cartoons can offer a visual representation of public sentiment and criticism. Analyze cartoons from the Civil War era, which often depicted Lincoln and captured public opinion about his presidency.

5. Consider Lincoln's handling of dissent: Lincoln faced opposition from both within and outside his party. Understand how he navigated these challenges, such as the Copperhead movement, anti-war Democrats, and divisions within the Republican party.

6. Assess Lincoln's leadership style: Examine how Lincoln's leadership and communication style influenced the way he addressed criticism. This can help provide insights into his strategies for managing dissent during a turbulent period.

7. Consult biographies and historical analysis: Read reputable biographies of Lincoln, such as Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals" or David Herbert Donald's "Lincoln." These books provide detailed accounts of Lincoln's presidency, including how he handled criticism.

By following these steps and immersing yourself in the available resources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how Lincoln dealt with criticism during his presidency and the Civil War era.