Read the paper, "Impact of COVID-19 on transportation in Lagos, Nigeria" by Emmanuel Mogaji ...

(PDF) Impact of COVID-19 on transportation in Lagos, Nigeria (

1. Identify the treatments and response in each activity?
2. How many treatments are there for each activity given the results in the one-way analysis of the variance table?
3. An ANOVA was conducted, and differences were found for each activity. Was this analysis complete and why or why not?
4. Were the conclusions supported by the analysis provided?
5. Identify one flaw in this paper and explain the implication(s) relative to the conclusions.

To answer your questions, I would need to access and analyze the specific paper you mentioned, "Impact of COVID-19 on transportation in Lagos, Nigeria" by Emmanuel Mogaji. However, as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or access external documents, such as PDFs, directly. I can only provide guidance on how you can answer these questions on your own.

Here's a step-by-step approach you can follow to find answers to your questions:

1. Access the paper: Use the provided link to access the research paper on ResearchGate. If you don't have an account, you may need to create one, but it's free.

2. Identify the treatments and response in each activity: In the paper, look for a methodology or methods section that discusses the activities being studied. Treatments are experimental factors or interventions applied to different groups, while responses are measured outcomes that are observed or recorded.

3. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) table: Look for the results section or a specific table that presents the ANOVA analysis results. This table should provide information about the number of treatments for each activity.

4. Determine if the analysis was complete: To evaluate the completeness of the analysis, assess whether all necessary statistical tests and assumptions were properly conducted and addressed. Look for any limitations or potential shortcomings mentioned in the paper's discussion or conclusion section.

5. Evaluate if the conclusions were supported: Read the conclusion section of the paper to find the main findings and conclusions drawn by the authors. Compare the conclusions with the results presented in the analysis section to assess if they are supported by the data and statistical analysis.

6. Identify one flaw and its implications: Read the paper carefully, paying attention to any limitations or flaws mentioned by the authors in their discussion or conclusion section. Consider the implications of this flaw on the validity or reliability of the conclusions.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather the necessary information to answer your questions and evaluate the paper's findings and conclusions.