Write a C program that allows the user to collect a set of n numbers from the keyboard. The program should then process these n numbers by identifying how many of them are in the following categories: 1) less than zero; 2) zero to one hundred; 3) greater than one hundred. The program should use a function and should show how this function is used.

Sure! Here's an example of a C program that allows the user to input a set of numbers and categorizes them into three categories: less than zero, between zero and one hundred (inclusive), and greater than one hundred.

#include <stdio.h>

void countNumbers(int n, int numbers[]) {
int lessThanZero = 0;
int zeroToHundred = 0;
int greaterThanHundred = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (numbers[i] < 0) {
} else if (numbers[i] <= 100) {
} else {

printf("Numbers less than zero: %d\n", lessThanZero);
printf("Numbers between zero and one hundred: %d\n", zeroToHundred);
printf("Numbers greater than one hundred: %d\n", greaterThanHundred);

int main() {
int n;
printf("Enter the number of numbers: ");
scanf("%d", &n);

int numbers[n];

printf("Enter %d numbers:\n", n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &numbers[i]);

// Call the countNumbers function
countNumbers(n, numbers);

return 0;

In the above program, the `countNumbers` function takes two arguments: `n`, the number of elements in the array, and `numbers`, an array of integers. Inside the function, three variables are declared to keep track of the count of numbers falling into different categories.

A loop is used to iterate over each element in the `numbers` array. Depending on the value of each number, it gets categorized into one of the three categories using conditional statements. The respective count variables are incremented accordingly.

After processing all the numbers, the function prints the count of numbers falling into each category using the `printf` function.

In the main function, the user is prompted to enter the number of numbers and then the actual numbers themselves using `scanf`. Finally, the `countNumbers` function is called, passing the number and array of numbers as arguments.

Compile and run the program, and you will be able to enter any number of values and see how many of them fall into each category.