John is y years old.If Mary is 2 years older than john and the sum of their ages is 24.How old is Mary ?

To find Mary's age, we first need to represent everything mentioned in the problem as equations. Let's assume John's age is represented as y.

According to the problem, Mary is 2 years older than John. This means Mary's age can be represented as (y + 2).

The sum of their ages is given as 24, so we can add John's age and Mary's age together:

y + (y + 2) = 24

Now, we can solve this equation to find John's age. By simplifying the equation, we have:

2y + 2 = 24

Subtracting 2 from both sides gives us:

2y = 22

Now, we can solve for y by dividing both sides by 2:

y = 11

So, John is 11 years old. Since Mary is 2 years older than John, her age would be:

11 + 2 = 13

Therefore, Mary is 13 years old.