Narration and Characters Quick Check

1.How do we know Front Desk is written in first person? (1 point)

A. The narrator is an outside observer of all of the characters.
B.We learn about Mia’s experiences through her interactions with other characters.
C. The story addresses the reader directly using , you, .
D. We, as the reader, learn about the feelings and thoughts of all of the characters.
(Connexus Only)

I just did it, i got a 100. here are the answers :)

We learn about Mia’s experiences through her interactions with other characters.

Jason treats Mia poorly.

Mia learned Lupe created stories to cover up part of her life, just like Mia.

the antagonist

read my name

i hope this helps :D

Candice is 100% correct! Thank you :)

Candice is right!

First person means the narrator is using I, me, my, mine throughout the story/book. So A and C are out.

Which other choice cannot be from the "I" point of view?

Thank you so much! It is 100% I used these to check my answers :)