Use the sentence to answer the question.

I knew I was in trouble when my mother said, "I've told you a million times to clean your room!"

In one to two sentences, explain which literary device is used and how it affects the meaning.

(2 points)

I’m not sure what the answer would be. Please help

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Look up "hyperbole" (find the link in the list on the left) and read carefully, including the example.

Ok thank you:)

The literary device used in the sentence is hyperbole. It exaggerates the number of times the mother has reminded the speaker to clean their room, emphasizing the speaker's understanding that they are in trouble.

In the given sentence, the literary device used is hyperbole, as the mother says she has told her child a million times to clean their room. This hyperbolic statement emphasizes the mother's frustration and exaggerates the frequency of her reminder, adding an intensified effect to the meaning of the sentence.