1. mean = -25; median = -26.5; mode = -28; range = 40

2. 46; 23.5; 20.3
3. frequency: 7 4 5 5 3
4. 22=1x, 23=2x, 24=0x, 25=2x, 26=0x, 27=0x, 28=1x, 29=3x, 30=1x
6|4 7
7|4 6
8|1 7 9
Key: 8|9 means 89
6. Median for Team 1: 16
Median for Team 2: 17
7. 74, 81, 89, 92, 97
8. 33, 35, 42.5, 45, 48
9. About 75% scored higher; about 25% scored lower.
10. D
11. no trend; the number of pets owned and the owner's height
12. (2, 4.3)
13. 50
14. 3 stamps
15. 90°
16. 20
17. 40%
18-20 are essays

You can HOPE these are right! Remember, in these days of online testing, questions and answer choices can easily be changed from test to test -- and often are to thwart cheaters!

be quite anon sound like a nerd

facts @pissbaby hes so annoying lmao "you can hope these are right" "in the modern era of online testing, answer can be changed easily" shut up

1. To find the mean, sum up all the values (-25) and divide by the number of values (1), giving you a mean of -25.

To find the median, arrange the values (-26.5) in ascending order and find the middle value. In this case, there is only one value, so the median is -26.5.

To find the mode, identify the value that appears most frequently. In this case, the mode is -28.

To find the range, subtract the smallest value from the largest value. In this case, the range is 40.

2. To find the mean, sum up all the values (46 + 23.5 + 20.3) and divide by the number of values (3), giving you a mean of 29.2667.

To find the median, arrange the values (20.3, 23.5, 46) in ascending order and find the middle value. In this case, the median is 23.5.

There is no mode in this set of values.

3. To find the mode, identify the value(s) that appear most frequently. In this case, the modes are 5 and 3, as they both appear 5 times.

4. This problem is not fully clear. It seems to be showing a frequency distribution, but the information provided is incomplete. It seems to be providing the number of times each value appears, but the values themselves are missing.

5. This appears to be a frequency distribution, where the numbers on the left represent the data values and the numbers on the right represent the frequencies or counts. For example, there are 2 counts of the number 5, 4 counts of the number 6, and so on.

6. This question is not clear. It mentions "Team 1" and "Team 2" but does not provide any additional context or data.

7. This is a list of numbers (74, 81, 89, 92, 97) with no specific question or context provided.

8. This is a list of numbers (33, 35, 42.5, 45, 48) with no specific question or context provided.

9. This statement is a general observation that about 75% of the group scored higher and about 25% scored lower. Without specific data or context given, it is difficult to provide a more detailed explanation.

10. This appears to be a multiple-choice question, but only the letter "D" is provided. There is no specific question or context provided.

11. This statement describes a relationship between the number of pets owned and the owner's height, but there is no specific trend mentioned. Without more information or data provided, it is impossible to determine the relationship or trend between the variables.

12. This is a set of coordinates (2, 4.3) with no specific question or context provided.

13. This is a number (50) with no specific question or context provided.

14. This is a number (3) with no specific question or context provided.

15. This is an angle measurement (90°) with no specific question or context provided.

16. This is a number (20) with no specific question or context provided.

17. This is a percentage (40%) with no specific question or context provided.

18-20. These are described as "essays," but no specific question or context is provided.