1. What are the mean, median, mode and range of the data set given the altitude of lakes in feet: –12, –9, –14, –39, –49, –49, –18, and –43? (1 point)

mean = –28.5, median = –29.1, mode = –49, range = 40

mean = –29.1, median = –49, mode = –28.5, range = 41

mean = –49, median = –29.1, mode = –28.5, range = 41

mean = –29.1, median = –28.5, mode = –49, range = 40

1. mean: -29.1; median: -28.5; mode: -49; range 40

2. 37; 20; 17.6
3. walked 7; biked 6; bus 5; family car 3; carpool 3
4. c
5. c
6. median for team 1: 16; median for team 2: 17
7. a
8. a
9. about 25% scored higher; about 75% scored lower
10. b
11. no trend; number of pets owned and owner's height
12. (9,9.1)
13. 375
14. 3 stamps
15. 90°
16. 20
17. 25%
Hope this helps!

1. D

2. D
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. A
I don't know if they change the answers but this is what I got

DO NOT TRUST A random guy I GOT A 2/17

I hate when the school does that, just make it easy for us to cheat and not go all around the internet to try and find answers.

what is the answer then

*12. (5, 7.4)

*17. 40%
I messed up on 12 and 17 but these are the correct answers I just checked.

Umm is Blah correct plz help

Blah’s answers got me an 11/18 but since I got the open ended question right, I got a 14/18 which is an 86 I think so thanks blah u saved me

whose answers are correct?