Construct a pseudocode to compute, to display the sum of ten (10) integer numbers and determine the biggest and smallest number.


read num
max = min = num
for i = 2..10
read num
if num>max then max=num
if num<min then min = num
sum += num
next i
print sum

Write a pseudocode to determine the type of triangle, depending upon the value of the sides.

Sure! Here's a pseudocode to compute the sum of ten integer numbers and determine the biggest and smallest number:

1. Initialize variables:
- sum = 0
- smallest = infinity
- largest = -infinity

2. Repeat 10 times:
a. Read an integer number from input and store it in a variable (let's call it "number").
b. Add "number" to "sum".
c. If "number" is smaller than "smallest", update "smallest" to be equal to "number".
d. If "number" is larger than "largest", update "largest" to be equal to "number".

3. Display the value of "sum".
4. Display the value of "smallest".
5. Display the value of "largest".

Note: Make sure to adjust the range of the loop and add appropriate error-handling mechanisms if needed to handle invalid inputs.

Sure! Here's a pseudocode to compute the sum of ten integer numbers and determine the biggest and smallest number:

1. Initialize variables:
- Set sum to 0
- Set biggestNum to the smallest possible integer value
- Set smallestNum to the largest possible integer value

2. Start a loop to input 10 numbers:
- Repeat 10 times:
- Input a number

3. Calculate the sum:
- Start a loop to add the numbers to the sum:
- Repeat 10 times:
- Add the inputted number to the sum

4. Determine the biggest and smallest number:
- Start a loop to compare each number with the current biggest and smallest numbers:
- Repeat 10 times:
- If the inputted number is greater than the current biggest number, update the biggestNum variable
- If the inputted number is smaller than the current smallest number, update the smallestNum variable

5. Display the sum, biggest number, and smallest number:
- Output the sum
- Output the biggestNum
- Output the smallestNum

Here's an example of how you can implement this pseudocode in Python:

sum = 0
biggestNum = float('-inf') # smallest possible value
smallestNum = float('inf') # largest possible value

for i in range(10):
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

sum += num

if num > biggestNum:
biggestNum = num

if num < smallestNum:
smallestNum = num

print("Sum:", sum)
print("Biggest number:", biggestNum)
print("Smallest number:", smallestNum)

That's it! This pseudocode will allow you to compute the sum of ten integers and find the biggest and smallest numbers among them.