Ancient Greece had what is known as a direct democracy. Which of the following best describes a direct democracy?

Every voter votes for everything, not for a representative.

What following?


Every person could participate .

A direct democracy is a system of government where citizens directly participate in decision-making and have a direct say in passing laws and making policies. In this system, citizens are actively involved in the political process, attending assemblies, discussing issues, and casting votes on proposed laws or policies.

To understand the concept of a direct democracy, you can research and study the political structure of ancient Greece. One of the most well-known examples of direct democracy in ancient Greece was in the city-state of Athens, where all eligible citizens had the right to participate in the assembly, vote on proposals, and express their opinions openly. The decisions made by the assembly were binding and directly affected the governing of the city-state.

By learning about the principles and practices of direct democracy in ancient Greece, you can get a better understanding of its characteristics, benefits, and limitations. Additionally, you can explore examples of direct democracy in modern times or compare it to other forms of government, such as representative democracy, to gain a broader understanding of different political systems.