Sketch the graph of a relation between the extension of a spiral spring and the load attached to it when it is gradually loaded up to the elastic limit

To sketch the graph of the relation between the extension of a spiral spring and the load attached to it up to the elastic limit, we first need to understand the behavior of a spring under load and the concept of elastic limit.

1. Understanding the behavior of a spring under load:
When a spring is gradually loaded, it undergoes deformation or extension. The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the load applied to it, according to Hooke's Law. Hooke's Law states that the force (F) required to extend or compress a spring by a distance (x) is given by F = kx, where k is the spring constant. In simpler terms, as you increase the load on the spring, it will stretch or extend proportionately.

2. Elastic limit:
The elastic limit is the maximum stress or load that a material can withstand without permanent deformation. When a load applied to a spring exceeds its elastic limit, it undergoes plastic deformation, meaning it will not return to its original shape after removing the load. On a graph, this is represented by a point where the curve deviates from its linear behavior.

Now, to sketch the graph:

1. Start by labeling the axes:
- The x-axis represents the load applied to the spring.
- The y-axis represents the extension or deformation of the spring.

2. Plot the initial values:
- At zero load, the spring will be at its natural or equilibrium position (no extension). Mark this point at the origin (0, 0) on the graph.

3. Gradually increase the load and measure the corresponding extension of the spring:
- As you apply a load to the spring, measure the extension of the spring using a ruler or measuring device.
- Record the load and the corresponding extension.

4. Plot the points on the graph:
- For each load-extension measurement, plot a point on the graph. The load value goes on the x-axis, and the extension value goes on the y-axis.

5. Connect the points:
- Once you have plotted all the measured points, connect them using a smooth curve. The initially linear relationship between load and extension should be evident.

6. Identify the elastic limit:
- Locate the point on the graph where the curve deviates from its linear behavior. This point represents the elastic limit of the spring.
- Indicate this point on the graph, as it marks the maximum load the spring can endure without permanent deformation.

By following these steps, you will be able to sketch the graph of the relation between the extension of a spiral spring and the load attached to it up to the elastic limit. Remember to label the axes, plot the data points accurately, and connect the points with a smooth curve to visualize the relationship between load and extension.