Which type of transition words are used to show cause and effect in writing?

The type of transition words that are used to show cause and effect in writing are called "cause and effect" or "cause-effect" transition words. These words help to indicate a relationship between two ideas or events, where one is the cause and the other is the effect. They provide clarity and help the reader understand the relationship between different parts of the text. Here are some examples of cause and effect transition words:

1. Because
2. Since
3. Consequently
4. Therefore
5. As a result
6. Thus
7. Hence
8. So

To find these types of transition words, you can follow the following steps:

1. Identify the cause and effect relationship in your writing. Determine which events or ideas are connected in terms of cause and effect.
2. Think about the logical connections between these events or ideas. Consider how one event or idea leads to another.
3. Look for appropriate transition words that accurately represent the cause and effect relationship. Refer to a list of cause and effect transition words or use a thesaurus to find synonymous phrases.
4. Select the most suitable transition word that fits within the context and tone of your writing.
5. Integrate the chosen transition word smoothly into your sentence or paragraph to indicate the cause and effect relationship clearly to your readers.

Remember, transition words are tools to enhance the coherence and flow of your writing, so choose them wisely and use them appropriately to convey the intended meaning.