Sexism, poor education, and weak infrastructure are all examples of what kind of obstacles facing South Asia?





i think its D, am i correct?

pls help fast

also i meant to say i think its A not D

I think A

No, the correct answer is B. economic.

To arrive at the correct answer, you need to understand the nature of the obstacles mentioned in the question. Sexism, poor education, and weak infrastructure are all socio-economic challenges that hinder the development and progress of a region.

Sexism refers to gender-based discrimination, which can limit the opportunities and rights of women in society. Poor education reflects a lack of investment and access to quality education, leading to low literacy rates and limited skill development. Weak infrastructure suggests inadequate transportation systems, insufficient electricity, lack of access to clean water, and limited healthcare facilities.

All of these obstacles are connected to the economic conditions of a region, as they impede productivity, inhibit investment, and hinder overall development. Therefore, the obstacles mentioned in the question fall under the category of economic obstacles, making option B the correct answer.