Two presidential races selected from 1940–2000. One pre-1970, other post 1980. Analysis of the spread of power through the nation for each election

i have no clue what site to look at and I'm struggling to get this done help pls

Go to and search for “list us presidents”

When the search results come up, read about different presidents until you find some that interest you.

For pre-1970, I’d choose Truman (end of WWII) or Eisenhower (adjusting our country to post-war life, interstate highway system) or Kennedy (forward visions for us). For post-1980, I’d choose Reagan (how a former actor could be a good president).

You should make your own choices after you read about several/many.

thank you so much it really helps i appreciate it

To analyze the spread of power through the nation for two presidential races, you will need to gather data on the election results and understand the distribution of votes across different regions. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find the relevant information and complete your task:

1. Identify the specific presidential races you want to analyze, one from before 1970 and another from after 1980. Let's say you choose the elections of 1960 (pre-1970) and 2000 (post-1980) as examples.

2. Start by gathering the election results for each race. The best source for this information is usually official election websites or reputable political archives. Alternatively, you can use websites like Wikipedia, which often provide detailed election data. Search for "1960 presidential election" and "2000 presidential election" to find the relevant pages.

3. Once you find the election pages, look for the section that provides the breakdown of results by state or county. This information will allow you to understand the geographical distribution of votes and how power was spread across the nation.

4. Analyze the data by comparing the results of the two elections. Look for patterns, differences, or shifts in voting patterns over time. Consider factors such as the party affiliation of the candidates, key issues of the campaigns, and any historical events that could have influenced the outcomes.

5. Additionally, you can create visual representations of the data to enhance your analysis. You might want to make maps that show the distribution of votes by state or use other visualization tools to highlight any interesting patterns that emerge.

6. Finally, draw conclusions from your analysis. Reflect on how power was spread throughout the nation during each election, noting any significant differences or similarities between the pre-1970 and post-1980 races.

Remember, the key is to gather accurate and reliable data from trustworthy sources and interpret it carefully to provide a meaningful analysis. Good luck with your research!