
4/20 - 5/20 = _____

To solve the subtraction of fractions, you need to have a common denominator. Here's how you can find the solution step by step:

Step 1: Find a common denominator.
The common denominator is the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators, which in this case is 20 because the denominators 5 and 4 have a multiple of 20.

Step 2: Convert the fractions to have the common denominator.
To change the first fraction, 1/5, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 4, resulting in 4/20. Similarly, to change the second fraction, 1/4, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 5, giving us 5/20.

Step 3: Perform the subtraction.
Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract the numerators directly: 4/20 - 5/20.

Step 4: Simplify if necessary.
In this case, we cannot further simplify the result, so we keep it as 4/20 - 5/20.

Step 5: Subtract the numerators and keep the denominator the same.
4/20 - 5/20 = (4 - 5)/20 = -1/20.

Therefore, the solution to 1/5 - 1/4 is -1/20.

To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 20 since both 5 and 4 can be multiplied to reach 20.

So, let's rewrite the fractions with the common denominator:

1/5 = 4/20 (multiplied top and bottom by 4)
1/4 = 5/20 (multiplied top and bottom by 5)

Now we can subtract the fractions:

4/20 - 5/20 = (4 - 5)/20 = -1/20

Therefore, 1/5 - 1/4 = -1/20.