Develop a program pseudo code to read the names and scores for ten students,it should calculate and report the average


for i=1..10
read score
sum += score
end for
avg = sum/10
print avg

Sure! Here is a pseudo code to develop a program that reads the names and scores for ten students, calculates the average, and reports it:

Step 1: Initialize variables
Set totalScore to 0
Set numberOfStudents to 10

Step 2: Create an array to store names and scores
Declare an array called studentData with a size of numberOfStudents
// Each element of the array can store a name and a score

Step 3: Read names and scores for each student
For i in range 1 to numberOfStudents
Prompt user to enter the name of student i
Read and store the name in studentData[i].name

Prompt user to enter the score of student i
Read and store the score in studentData[i].score

Add the score to the totalScore

Step 4: Calculate the average score
Set averageScore to totalScore divided by numberOfStudents

Step 5: Report the average
Print "The average score of the ten students is: " + averageScore

Please note that this is just a pseudo code and not an actual program. You will need to implement this in a programming language of your choice by taking care of syntax, data types, and any other language-specific requirements.

Here's a pseudo code for the program:

1. Initialize a variable `sum` to zero.
2. Initialize a variable `count` to zero.
3. Create an empty list `student_names`.
4. Create an empty list `student_scores`.
5. Start a loop to input the name and score for each student:
- Print "Enter name for student" + (count + 1) + ":"
- Read the name and add it to the `student_names` list.
- Print "Enter score for student" + (count + 1) + ":"
- Read the score, convert it to a number, and add it to the `student_scores` list.
- Increment `sum` by the score.
- Increment `count` by 1.
- If `count` is equal to 10, exit the loop.
6. Calculate the average by dividing `sum` by `count`.
7. Print "The average score is:" + average.

Note: This pseudo code assumes that the names and scores are entered correctly, and does not include any error checking or validation.