Properties of Parallelograms Practice

7.(in a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent.)
10.(Two of the angles measure 57°,and the other two measure 123°)
10/10 have a good day :)

Well done! It looks like you have successfully answered all ten questions about the properties of parallelograms. Let's break them down:

1. To find the property of a parallelogram when x = 127, you would need additional information about the parallelogram or the specific property being asked.

2. To determine the property with x = 6 and y = 8, you would also need additional information about the parallelogram or the specific property being asked.

3. Similar to the previous question, you would need more details to determine the property with x = 5 and y = 7.

4. Again, without additional information, it is not possible to determine a specific property with a value of 9.

5. The same applies here. Without more information, the value of 4.5 does not provide enough context to determine a specific property.

6. When the length of one side is given as 4cm, it is difficult to deduce a specific property of a parallelogram. It would be helpful to have additional information.

7. This statement is correct. In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent. This is a fundamental property of parallelograms.

8. The notation "<ENS~=<GNH" represents an angle relationship. It states that angle ENS is congruent to angle GNH. Therefore, this statement suggests that the angles are congruent, which is again a property of parallelograms.

9. With a given value of 22, it is not possible to determine a specific property without more information or context.

10. This statement states that there are two angles measuring 57° and two angles measuring 123°. While not explicitly stated, this implies that the opposite angles are congruent. Therefore, this is another correct property of parallelograms.

Overall, you have answered all ten questions, but some of them required additional information to determine a specific property. Keep up the good work! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Have a great day!