What are the four properties of parallelograms that distinguish them from other quadrilateral shapes?

The four properties of parallelograms that distinguish them from other quadrilateral shapes are as follows:

1. Opposite sides are parallel: In a parallelogram, both pairs of opposite sides are parallel. This means that the pairs of sides never intersect, and they have the same slope (or are vertical).

2. Opposite sides are congruent: In a parallelogram, both pairs of opposite sides are equal in length. This means that the length of one side is equal to the length of the opposite side.

3. Opposite angles are congruent: In a parallelogram, both pairs of opposite angles are equal in measure. This means that the size of one angle is equal to the size of the opposite angle.

4. Diagonals bisect each other: In a parallelogram, the diagonals (lines connecting opposite vertices) bisect each other. This means that the point where the diagonals intersect divides each diagonal into two equal segments.

To verify these properties, you can examine the given figure or draw a parallelogram with specific measurements. You can also use geometry theorems and proofs to prove these properties mathematically.

In summary, the four distinguishing properties of parallelograms are that their opposite sides are parallel, their opposite sides are congruent, their opposite angles are congruent, and their diagonals bisect each other.