Henry has twice as much savings as Benson. Johnson has $33 less than Benson. They have a total savings of $1927. How much savings does Johnson have?

h = 2b

j = b-33
h+b+j = 1927
solving for j, we get
2(j+33) + j+33 + j = 1927
j = 457
check: Ben has 490, Henry has 980
980+490+457 = 1927

Let's solve the problem step by step.

Let's assume Benson's savings as x.
Henry has twice as much savings as Benson, so Henry's savings = 2x.
Johnson has $33 less than Benson, so Johnson's savings = x - $33.

The total savings of all three is $1927, so we can write the equation:

x + 2x + (x - $33) = $1927

Combining like terms:

4x - $33 = $1927

Adding $33 to both sides to isolate the term with x:

4x - $33 + $33 = $1927 + $33

4x = $1960

Dividing both sides by 4 to solve for x:

4x/4 = $1960/4

x = $490

So, Benson's savings is $490.

Now, let's find Johnson's savings.

Johnson's savings = x - $33
= $490 - $33
= $457

Therefore, Johnson has $457 in savings.

To find out the amount of savings Johnson has, let's start by assigning variables to each person's savings. Let's say:

Benson's savings = x
Henry's savings = 2x (twice as much as Benson)
Johnson's savings = x - $33 (Benson's savings minus $33)

The total savings of all three individuals is given as $1927. So, we can write the equation:

x + 2x + (x - $33) = $1927

Now, let's solve the equation to determine the value of x, which represents Benson's savings:

4x - $33 = $1927
4x = $1927 + $33
4x = $1960
x = $1960 / 4
x = $490

Now that we know Benson's savings equals $490, we can substitute this value back into the equation to find Johnson's savings:

Johnson's savings = Benson's savings - $33
Johnson's savings = $490 - $33
Johnson's savings = $457

Therefore, Johnson has $457 in savings.