Use the sentence to answer the question

Poetry differs from other forms of literature because it is

Which phrase best completes the sentence?

(1 point)

characterized by its highly expressive language and often utilizes rhythm, rhyme, and figurative elements.

Poetry differs from other forms of literature because it is a form of expression that uses rhythmic language and imagery.

expressed through the use of rhythm and imagery

The answer to the question is "expressed through the use of rhythm and imagery." This phrase best completes the sentence because it describes one of the key characteristics that sets poetry apart from other forms of literature. To arrive at this answer, one can analyze the sentence and break it down to understand its structure and purpose. The sentence begins with "Poetry differs from other forms of literature because it is," which indicates that the following phrase will provide a distinguishing factor for poetry. The options provided are: (1) expressed through the use of rhythm and imagery, (2) usually shorter in length, (3) always written in first person point of view, and (4) focused solely on personal experiences. Among these options, only the phrase "expressed through the use of rhythm and imagery" accurately characterizes poetry and highlights its unique qualities. Thus, this phrase is the correct answer.