which statement accurately describes the contents of the two boxes in the image? (nitrogen is on the top, carbon dioxide on the bottom)

A. the box on the top consists of a pure substance while the box on the bottom consists of a mixture

B. both boxes consist of pure substances

C. both boxes consist of mixtures

D. the box on the top consists of a mixture while the box on the bottom consists of a pure substance

need the answers for the full quiz 😭

N2 and CO2 are pure substances.

To accurately describe the contents of the two boxes in the image, you need to understand the difference between pure substances and mixtures.

- A pure substance is a type of matter that has a definite and constant composition. It cannot be separated into other substances by physical means. Examples of pure substances are elements and compounds.
- A mixture, on the other hand, is made up of two or more pure substances physically combined. The composition of a mixture can vary, and its components can be separated by physical means. Examples of mixtures are solutions, suspensions, and colloids.

From the statement given in the question, nitrogen is on the top, and carbon dioxide is on the bottom. Considering this information, we can determine that both boxes actually consist of pure substances.

So, the correct answer is:

B. both boxes consist of pure substances.