Point D is the midpoint of median AM of triangle ABC. Point E is the midpoint of AB, and point T is the intersection of BD and ME. Find the area of triangle DMT if [ABC] =180.

Let x = the length of AM.

The area of triangle ABC = (1/2)x^2

The area of triangle DMT = (1/2)(x/2)^2 = (1/8)x^2

Therefore, the area of triangle DMT = (1/8)[ABC] = (1/8)(180) = 22.5

To find the area of triangle DMT, we need to use some properties of medians and midpoints of triangles.

First, let's recall the properties we have from the given information:
1. Point D is the midpoint of median AM of triangle ABC.
2. Point E is the midpoint of side AB.
3. Point T is the intersection of BD and ME.

Next, let's analyze the situation and find some additional information:
Since D is the midpoint of median AM, it means that AD = DM (by the midpoint property of medians).
Since E is the midpoint of AB, it means that AE = EB.

Now, let's use the given information and the additional properties to find the area of triangle DMT.

1. The areas of two triangles with the same base are equal.
Therefore, we can say that:
[DME] = [ABM]
(Area of triangle DME = Area of triangle ABM)

2. The medians of a triangle divide it into six triangles with equal area.
Since D is the midpoint of median AM, the triangles ADM and MDM have equal area.
We can write this as: [ADM] = [MDM]

3. The median of a triangle divides it into two triangles with equal area.
Therefore, we can say that:
[ABM] = 2 * [ADM] [Since ADM and MDM have equal area]
[ADM] = [ABM] / 2

4. Triangle ADE and triangle BME are similar triangles (by the Side-Angle-Side similarity property).
Therefore, the ratio of their areas is the square of the ratio of their corresponding side lengths.
We can write this as: [ADE] / [BME] = (AE/BE)^2 = 1/4
[ADE] = (1/4) * [BME]

5. The area of triangle ABM is equal to the area of triangle ADE plus the area of triangle BME.
[ABM] = [ADE] + [BME]
[ABM] = (1/4) * [BME] + [BME]
[ABM] = (5/4) * [BME]

Plugging this value of [ABM] in the previous equation derived in step 3:
(5/4) * [BME] = 2 * [ADM]
[BME] = (8/5) * [ADM]

Now, let's substitute the value of [BME] in [ADE] = (1/4) * [BME]:
[ADE] = (1/4) * [(8/5) * [ADM]]
[ADE] = (2/5) * [ADM]

Since [ADE] is the area of the triangle inside DMT, and [ADM] is the area of the triangle inside DMT that we want to find, we can conclude that the area of triangle DMT is given by:

[DTM] = [ADM] - [ADE]
[DTM] = [ADM] - (2/5) * [ADM]
[DTM] = (3/5) * [ADM]

We also know that [ABC] = 180, which is the total area of triangle ABC. The three medians of a triangle divide it into six triangles with equal area. Therefore, the area of each of these six triangles is [ABC]/6 = 180/6 = 30.

Since D is the midpoint of median AM, triangle ADM is one of these six triangles. So, [ADM] = 30.

Finally, we can substitute the value of [ADM] in the equation for [DTM]:
[DTM] = (3/5) * [ADM]
[DTM] = (3/5) * 30
[DTM] = 18

Therefore, the area of triangle DMT is 18.

To find the area of triangle DMT, we can use the fact that point D is the midpoint of median AM of triangle ABC.

Let's express the area of triangle ABC in terms of the areas of triangles DMT, DAB, and BMT.

Since point D is the midpoint of median AM, we know that the area of triangle DAB is equal to the area of triangle DBM.

Similarly, since point E is the midpoint of AB, we know that the area of triangle DBM is equal to the area of triangle DEM.

Therefore, the area of triangle ABC can be expressed as the sum of the areas of triangles DMT, DAB, and DEM.

[ABC] = [DMT] + [DAB] + [DEM]

Given that [ABC] = 180, we can substitute this value into the equation:

180 = [DMT] + [DAB] + [DEM]

Now, let's analyze the relationship between triangles DMT and DAB.

Since point D is the midpoint of median AM, we know that the ratio of the area of triangle DMT to the area of triangle DAB is 1:2.

Therefore, we can express the area of triangle DMT as (1/3) multiplied by the area of triangle DAB.

Similarly, let's analyze the relationship between triangles DMT and DEM.

Since E is the midpoint of AB, the segment ET divides triangle DEM into two smaller triangles of equal area.

Therefore, the area of triangle DMT is half the area of triangle DEM.

So, the equation becomes:

180 = (1/3)[DAB] + (1/2)[DEM] + [DEM]

We can simplify this equation to:

180 = (1/3)[DAB] + (3/2)[DEM]

Now, let's solve for [DAB] in terms of [DEM]:

[DAB] = 180 - (3/2)[DEM]

Now we can substitute this expression for [DAB] back into the equation:

180 = (1/3)[DAB] + (3/2)[DEM]

180 = (1/3)(180 - (3/2)[DEM]) + (3/2)[DEM]

We can now solve this equation to find [DEM]:

180 = (60 - (3/2)[DEM]) + (3/2)[DEM]

180 = 60 - (3/2)[DEM] + (3/2)[DEM]

180 = 60

Since this equation is not true, there must be an error in the problem statement or calculations. Please double-check the information provided or let me know if you need assistance with a different problem.