(1) What is the text of an opera called? A. overture B. libretto C. singspiel D. exposition

its libretto. that i do know for sure. i studied music for like 5 years and i do know that lmao. hopefully thats helpful :)

No that's not helpful your useless. All that studying is for nothing because you'll never accomplish anything in life. :)

The text of an opera is called the "libretto." To find the answer to this question, you can start by understanding what each of the options mean.

A. Overture: An overture is an instrumental introduction that is played before the start of an opera or other musical composition. It is not the text of the opera.

B. Libretto: The libretto is the written text or script of an opera, including the lyrics of the songs or arias, as well as any spoken dialogue. It acts as a guide for the performers and helps to convey the story and characters.

C. Singspiel: Singspiel is a genre of opera that originated in Germany, characterized by a combination of spoken dialogue and sung music. While the libretto is a part of an opera, singspiel refers to a specific type of opera.

D. Exposition: In the context of opera, an exposition typically refers to the opening section of a musical piece or the introduction of the main themes. It does not represent the text of the opera.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "What is the text of an opera called?" is B. libretto.