Which statements describe characteristics of an introduction? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

It is where characters are developed.
It is where characters are developed.

It shows us the setting.
It shows us the setting.

It discusses plot events.
It discusses plot events.

It reveals the narrator and characters.
It reveals the narrator and characters.

It develops the main conflict.

and here are the right answers

1# it reveals the narrator and charaters, it shows us the setting

2#it tells the reader where and when the story happens

3#the location of where the ducklings are on the lake, a description of each of the ducklings and their personalities


5#jordan secretly plans out his next practical joke

the only answer I can give is

It annoyingly repeats everything twice.
It annoyingly repeats everything twice.

The two correct answers are:

- It shows us the setting.
- It reveals the narrator and characters.

To determine the correct answers, we need to understand the purpose and elements of an introduction in a literary context.

1. It is where characters are developed: Incorrect. The development of characters usually occurs throughout the story, not specifically in the introduction.

2. It shows us the setting: Correct. The introduction of a story often includes descriptions or information about the setting to establish the context in which the story takes place.

3. It discusses plot events: Incorrect. The introduction usually sets the stage for the plot but does not typically delve into specific plot events.

4. It reveals the narrator and characters: Correct. The introduction of a story often introduces the narrator and main characters, giving readers an initial understanding of who will be involved in the narrative.

5. It develops the main conflict: Incorrect. While the introduction may hint at or foreshadow the main conflict, it does not fully develop it. The development of the conflict occurs in the rising action and subsequent parts of the story.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
- It shows us the setting.
- It reveals the narrator and characters.