What happened in 2014 that made the ongoing civil war in Syria even more complicated?

i don't know if this is the right answer but here

The civil wars in Syria and Yemen are similar because of the Arab Spring.

The similarities between the two wars resulted because of the Arab Spring.
Arab Spring is an uprising of people where they rebelled against the ruling government.
The difference between the two countries civil wars lies in several reasons.
The Syrian civil war began in 2011 with the massive destruction and discontent with the Syrian government under President Assad.
Troops from Russia entered into the civil war to support the government.
The Yemeni civil war began in 2014 within the Yemeni borders.
The civil war in Yemeni is still ongoing between the Yemeni government under Abdrabbuh Hadi and the Houthi armed movement.
Therefore we can conclude that the civil wars in Syria and Yemen are somewhat related and different as they have their reason to fight differently.

good luck :)

In 2014, the ongoing civil war in Syria became even more complicated due to several significant events:

1. Rise of ISIS: In January 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State (IS), emerged as a major player in the conflict. ISIS capitalized on the power vacuum created by the civil war and quickly gained control over large parts of Syria, imposing its brutal rule and carrying out widespread atrocities.

2. Split of the Opposition: The moderate opposition groups who were initially fighting against the Syrian government became fragmented and weakened. The rise of ISIS led to a three-way conflict among the Syrian government, opposition forces, and ISIS militants.

3. International Intervention: The conflict became further complicated with the involvement of several foreign powers. Countries like Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah continued to support the Syrian government, while various regional and international actors supported different factions within the opposition. The United States and its allies began conducting airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria, creating a complex web of alliances and rivalries.

4. Kurdish Autonomy: Kurdish forces, primarily represented by the People's Protection Units (YPG), administered several areas in northeastern Syria. They took advantage of the chaos caused by the civil war and successfully established a semi-autonomous region known as Rojava. The emergence of Kurdish autonomy added another dimension to the conflict and created tensions between Kurdish forces and other factions.

Overall, the combination of the rise of ISIS, the fragmentation of the opposition, international intervention, and the establishment of Kurdish autonomy significantly complicated the ongoing civil war in Syria in 2014.

In 2014, an event occurred that further complicated the ongoing civil war in Syria. That event was the emergence and rapid expansion of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The rise of ISIS started as an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, but it quickly gained momentum and became a powerful extremist group with significant control over territory in both Iraq and Syria. This had several significant consequences for the Syrian civil war:

1. Increased Fragmentation: The emergence of ISIS added another faction to an already complex conflict. Prior to 2014, the civil war in Syria involved the Syrian government and various rebel groups, each with their own motivations and alliances. With the rise of ISIS, there was an additional force fighting against both the government and other rebel groups, further fragmenting the conflict.

2. Escalated Violence: ISIS brought a new level of brutality and violence to the conflict. Their acts of terrorism, mass killings, and beheadings captured global attention and fueled fear and outrage. This escalated the overall violence in Syria, leading to even greater suffering for the civilian population.

3. International Involvement: The emergence of ISIS prompted increased international involvement in the conflict. Many countries, including the United States, formed a coalition to combat ISIS and launched airstrikes against their strongholds in Syria. This further complicated the dynamics of the conflict by introducing external actors with different interests and agendas.

Overall, the emergence of ISIS in 2014 significantly complicated the ongoing civil war in Syria by adding another faction, escalating violence, and prompting increased international involvement.