Someone who is self-satisfied is?

I’m thinking complacent

How about happy?

That’s not an answer sorry. But compalacent is and I picked it and it was right. Thanks for ur help tho

hey! its heyo ❄, how have you been?


You are correct! Someone who is self-satisfied is often described as being complacent.

If you're wondering how to figure out the meaning of a word like "self-satisfied," there are a few strategies you can use. These steps will help you understand the word's meaning:

1. Context: Look at the sentence or paragraph where the word appears. Consider the words or phrases around it that could provide clues about its meaning. In this case, the word "self-satisfied" suggests a feeling of contentment or satisfaction with oneself.

2. Related Words: Think about other words that are similar to the one you're trying to define. In this case, "self-satisfied" can be associated with terms like "content," "smug," or "complacent," which all imply a sense of being pleased or satisfied with oneself.

3. Dictionary Definition: Confirm your understanding by consulting a dictionary. Look up the word and read the various definitions provided. The dictionary definition of "self-satisfied" would likely include a description of someone who is excessively pleased with their own achievements, abilities, or possessions.

By employing these strategies, you can effectively understand the meaning of words and expand your vocabulary. Great job in identifying "complacent" as a suitable synonym for "self-satisfied"!