Which of these words describes something that is tough?

Answer choices: A. Theoretical B. Complacent. C. Resilient or D. Vacuous

I’m thinking c but I don’t know. Can someone check my answers plz?

C is a good choice

C is a better word to describe tough! Good job, by the way!

thank you

To determine which of the words describes something that is tough, let's go through each answer choice and understand its meaning:

A. Theoretical: This word refers to concepts or ideas that are based on theory rather than practical experience. It does not describe toughness.

B. Complacent: This word means being content with one's current situation, often to the point of being unaware of potential problems or challenges. It does not describe toughness.

C. Resilient: This word means the ability of something or someone to recover quickly from difficult situations or challenges. Resilience is often associated with toughness, so it is a possible answer.

D. Vacuous: This word describes something that is empty, lacking substance, or without intelligence. It does not describe toughness.

Based on these explanations, it is correct to say that "C. Resilient" is the word that describes something that is tough.