Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

A right rectangular prism has a length of 15 millimeters, width of 3 millimeters, and height of 4 millimeters.

What is the surface area of the prism?

the unit test name is Geometry and measurement unit test please help me there are 5 questions and i am stuck on the very first one and i have been stuck on number one for 2 hours so PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME SINCERELY,SUMMER D.

i don't understand the questions.

help me [please

there are six sides ... like a shoe box

two sides are ... length × width

another two sides are ... length × height

the last two sides are ... width × height

add all the sides together for surface area

oh ok thanks R_scott you are so much help i m so bad at math i don't know why my old teacher's passed me on my other grades besides i am in 6th grade.


your welcome i hope.

Omg thank you, R_scottt! I didn't understand how to do it until you explained it. So thanks!