Use the poem to answer the question

What poetic device or quality makes this poem closed form?

A. blank verse structure
B. use of enjambment
C. inclusion of end stopped lines
D. repeated use of near-end rhymes **
E. abundant alliteration, assonance, and consonance

Excerpt from “Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” by William Wordsworth

If this Be but a vain belief, yet, oh! how oft, In darkness, and amid the many shapes Of joyless day-light; when the fretful stir Unprofitable, and the fever of the world, Have hung upon the beatings of my heart, How oft, in spirit, have I turned to thee O sylvan Wye! Thou wanderer through the woods, How often has my spirit turned to thee!

answers for the quick check:

1. blank verse structure
2. the rhythm
3. it lacks consistent meter

also for this poem:

Use the poem to answer the question

What part of this poem would most likely be removed if it were revised to be open form?

A. the enjambment
B. the number of lines
C. the rhyme scheme **
D. the rhythm
E. the underlying metaphor

does anybody have the answers?

Thank you apple bottom jeans :)

To determine the poetic device or quality that makes this poem closed form, we need to analyze the given excerpt from William Wordsworth's poem "Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey."

Closed form poems are those that adhere to a specific structure, often characterized by set lines, meter, and rhyme scheme.

Looking at the excerpt, we can see that it does not follow a fixed rhyme scheme or meter. There are no strict patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables. Thus, we can rule out options A (blank verse structure) and D (repeated use of near-end rhymes).

Enjambment, on the other hand, refers to the continuation of a sentence or thought without punctuation at the end of a line. In this excerpt, there are no instances of enjambment as each line ends with appropriate punctuation. Therefore, we can eliminate option B (use of enjambment).

Next, we should consider the concept of end stopped lines. End stopped lines occur when a line of poetry ends with a punctuation mark, indicating a pause or break in the thought. In the given excerpt, each line ends with punctuation, marking clear pauses in the verse. So, option C (inclusion of end stopped lines) is the correct answer.

Lastly, option E (abundant alliteration, assonance, and consonance) does not apply to this poem as there is no significant repetition of consonant sounds or vowel sounds throughout the excerpt.

In conclusion, the poetic device or quality that makes this poem closed form is the inclusion of end stopped lines (option C).