
The two abiotic factors used to classify earth’s terrestrial biomes are
A) plant and animal species present.
B) trophic levels and average temperature.
C) average yearly precipitation and temperature.
D) length of growing season and amount of rainfall.
Which of these is MOST LIKELY to contribute to the long-term instability of a local ecosystem?
A) storms that uproot large trees in the area
B) introduction of a non-native animal species
C) seasonal migration of birds to and from the ecosystem
D) flash floods that destroy the nests of local water birds
How do beaver dams contribute to species diversity in the ecosystem?
A) provide access to food in winter
B) keep predators away from the ecosystem
C) provide a habitat for a variety of species
D) ensure that only beavers have access to water
Why are coral reefs home to a huge diverse variety of species?
A) Coral reefs have all the factors necessary to support plants, predators, and prey.
B) Coral reefs keep predators, such as sharks, away providing a safe habitat for fish.
C) The presence of sunlight keeps animals away, allowing a variety of plants to thrive.
D) As deep ocean habitats, coral reefs provide a safe habitat for a variety of species.

Sally is sorting plants into groups. She labels her groups as vascular and non-vascular. What plants can Sally sort into the vascular group?
A) B.
B) C.
C) B. and C.
D) A. and B. and C.
Animals are divided into two groups; vertebrates and invertebrates. Animal classification is a matter of sorting out similarities and differences. This sorting process enables scientists to describe characteristics through the various levels of animal groups and subgroups. Among the most basic criteria by which animals are sorted is whether or not they possess a backbone. This single trait places an animal into one of two groups: the vertebrates (with backbone) or the invertebrates (without backbone). This represents a fundamental division among all animals.
Identify the tough external skeleton covering that protects and supports the body of many invertebrates.
A) arthropod
B) crustaceans
C) exoskeleton
D) notochord

All arthropods have an outer skeleton or exoskeleton. But they are different in some other ways. Which arthropod has eight legs and could bite you with its fangs?
A) beetle
B) fly
C) lobster
D) spider

Use this dichotomous key to identify the bird labeled A.
A) Purple Heron
B) White Stork
C) Spoonbill
D) Flamingo

The picture shows human red blood cells. The human body contains about 5 million red blood cells per cubic milliliter. This means that the human body
A) is unicellular.
B) is multicellular.
C) has mainly one type of cell.
D) is made of nonliving matter.

The illustration shows the basic unit of life. It is
A) a cell.
B) an atom.
C) a molecule.
D) an organelle.

Wildlife is plentiful in the pineywoods. There are over 100 species of birds and many small mammals, like cottontail rabbits and squirrels.

What else MUST be included in the pineywoods habitat to keep populations in balance?
A) predators, like snakes
B) omnivores, like raccoons
C) more producers, like plants
D) small animals, like the opossum
Living things can have a lasting effect on the physical environment. Kudzu, for example, is an invasive species introduced to America from Japan in the late 1800s. It soon spread at a rapid rate, ruining the soil, the native plant life, and forcing animals out due to lack of food.
What is another example of living organisms altering the physical environment?
A) A wolf howls at night to seek its mate.
B) After heavy rains, a mountainside has a mudslide, covering the earth below in mud.
C) Water hyacinth was introduced to a pond. In two years, the entire pond was covered in the plant.
D) After a long period of time and under the right amount of pressure, a pearl grows inside an oyster.

What is a possible reason that ecosystem 2 has fewer species than ecosystem 1?
A) Ecosystem 1 may be overhunted
B) Ecosystem 2 has more available habitats
C) Ecosystem 2 may have an invasive species present
D) Ecosystem 1 may have more pollution, which will attract more species
Orcas, or killer whales, are natural predators of sea otters. It has been observed that in regions where the sea otters are not present, sea urchins grow rapidly and destroy much of the natural kelp vegetation.

Which of these statements is correct in this context?
A) Kelp is the keystone species because their survival is key to the survival of the entire ecosystem.
B) Sea otters cannot be considered the keystone species because they are not the top predators in the ecosystem.
C) Sea urchins are the keystone species because they multiply rapidly in the absence of their natural predators.
D) Sea otters are a keystone species as they prevent a herbivorous species from completely destroying a plant species.

plz help!

1) The two abiotic factors used to classify Earth’s terrestrial biomes are average yearly precipitation and temperature. To classify terrestrial biomes, scientists look at the average amount of rainfall (precipitation) that an area receives in a year and the average temperature of that area. These factors help determine what types of plants and animals can survive in a specific biome.

2) The MOST LIKELY factor to contribute to the long-term instability of a local ecosystem is the introduction of a non-native animal species (option B). When a non-native species is introduced into an ecosystem, it can disrupt the natural balance and interactions among the native species. The non-native species may outcompete the native species for resources or have no predators, leading to population declines or extinctions of the native species.
3) Beaver dams contribute to species diversity in the ecosystem by providing a habitat for a variety of species (option C). Beaver dams create wetland habitats, which are rich in nutrients and support a variety of plant and animal life. The flooded areas behind the dams provide habitat for species such as fish, amphibians, turtles, and aquatic plants. The beaver dams also create a mosaic of different habitats, further increasing biodiversity.
4) Coral reefs are home to a huge diverse variety of species because coral reefs have all the factors necessary to support plants, predators, and prey (option A). Coral reefs provide a complex physical structure with many hiding places and niches for a variety of plant and animal species. They also have a symbiotic relationship with algae, which provide coral with food and the colorful appearance. The presence of corals and algae, combined with warm and nutrient-rich waters, supports a large diversity of species.
5) Sally can sort plants into the vascular group by identifying plants B and C (option C). Vascular plants have specialized tissues called xylem and phloem that transport water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant. Plants B and C in Sally's groups likely have vascular tissues, allowing them to transport resources efficiently within their bodies.
6) The tough external skeleton covering that protects and supports the body of many invertebrates is called an exoskeleton (option C). The exoskeleton is made of a tough substance called chitin and provides support, protection, and attachment points for muscles in these animals. Invertebrates such as insects, crustaceans, and arachnids have exoskeletons.
7) The arthropod that has eight legs and could bite you with its fangs is a spider (option D). Spiders belong to the class Arachnida and possess eight legs. They also have specialized mouthparts called chelicerae, which can be used for biting and injecting venom into prey.
8) To identify the bird labeled A using the dichotomous key, one would need more information or a dichotomous key that includes specific characteristics of that bird.
9) The fact that the human body contains about 5 million red blood cells per cubic milliliter indicates that the human body is multicellular (option B). Multicellular organisms are made up of multiple cells working together to form tissues, organs, and organ systems.
10) The basic unit of life is a cell (option A). Cells are the smallest structural and functional unit of living organisms. They carry out all the processes necessary for life, such as growth, reproduction, and metabolism.
11) To keep populations in balance in the pineywoods habitat, predators, like snakes (option A), would need to be included. Predators help control the populations of other species by feeding on them, regulating their numbers and preventing overpopulation of certain species.
12) An example of living organisms altering the physical environment is water hyacinth being introduced to a pond and covering it entirely in just two years (option C). Water hyacinth is an invasive plant species that can quickly spread and cover bodies of water, altering the physical environment by blocking sunlight and depleting oxygen levels, thus impacting native aquatic plants and animals.
13) A possible reason that ecosystem 2 has fewer species than ecosystem 1 is that ecosystem 2 may have an invasive species present (option C). Invasive species can outcompete native species for resources or disrupt the natural balance, leading to declines in species diversity. It is important to manage and control invasive species to protect biodiversity.
14) In the given context, sea otters can be considered the keystone species because they prevent a herbivorous species (sea urchins) from completely destroying a plant species (kelp) (option D). Keystone species play a critical role in maintaining the structure and functioning of an ecosystem. Sea otters control the population of sea urchins, which are primary consumers that feed on kelp. By controlling sea urchin populations, sea otters help preserve kelp forests, which provide habitat and food for many other species.