does anyone one know of an anti-federalist whose name is 7 letters and o is the 5th letter and n is th 3rd letter?

To find an anti-federalist whose name is 7 letters long with 'o' as the 5th letter and 'n' as the 3rd letter, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the requirements: The name should be 7 letters long, with 'o' as the 5th letter and 'n' as the 3rd letter.

2. Start with a list of known anti-federalists' names: Some notable anti-federalists include Patrick Henry, George Mason, and Samuel Adams, among others.

3. Look for names that meet the criteria: Review the list of anti-federalists and narrow down the options that have 7 letters.

4. Check if the 5th letter is 'o' and the 3rd letter is 'n': Go through the names and determine if the 5th letter is 'o' and the 3rd letter is 'n'.

5. Verify the result: Once you have identified a name that meets all the requirements, double-check the spelling and ensure it fits the specified criteria.

In this case, the name that matches all the criteria is "Samuel Norton." Please note that this is a fictional example. If you are looking for a historical person, there might not be an anti-federalist with those exact specifications.