drew practices at least 45 minutes per day. He has already practiced 18.5 minutes today. Determine how much longer he will have to practice. Then interpret the solution.

45 = 44 + .5 + .5

44 + .5 + .5 - 18.5
= 44.5 - 18
= 26.5

To determine how much longer Drew will have to practice, we need to subtract the time he has already practiced today (18.5 minutes) from the minimum amount of practice he aims for in a day (45 minutes).

The calculation is as follows:

45 minutes - 18.5 minutes = 26.5 minutes

Therefore, Drew will have to practice for an additional 26.5 minutes.


The solution tells us that Drew has already practiced for 18.5 minutes today, but he wants to reach his goal of practicing for at least 45 minutes per day. Thus, he still needs to practice for an additional 26.5 minutes to meet his daily practice target.

To determine how much longer Drew will have to practice, we subtract the time he has already practiced today from the minimum practice time of 45 minutes.

Minimum practice time per day = 45 minutes
Time already practiced today = 18.5 minutes

Time remaining to practice = Minimum practice time - Time already practiced today
Time remaining to practice = 45 minutes - 18.5 minutes
Time remaining to practice = 26.5 minutes

Interpretation: Drew will have to practice for 26.5 minutes more today to fulfill his minimum practice time of 45 minutes.