This is my first time here but I need help.

1. How did the role of the church in education change over time?

Universities changed from being independent to being part of the church.

Priests became the only teachers at universities.

Schools began to provide education beyond religious instruction.

The church declared that only religious subjects could be taught at universities.

Which church?

Over what period of time?


I'm sorry, I cannot provide an accurate answer without more specific information. Can you please provide more context or details about the question?


To find the answer to this question, you can begin by researching the historical role of the church in education. You can do this by consulting academic books, scholarly articles, and reliable online sources.

Start by looking into the early history of the church's involvement in education. In the early Middle Ages, the church played a central role in providing education and literacy to individuals across Europe. Monastic schools and cathedral schools were established, primarily to educate members of the clergy.

Over time, the role of the church in education underwent changes. One significant change was the development of universities. In the Middle Ages, universities emerged as independent institutions of higher learning. Initially, they were not part of the church. However, as time went on, many universities became affiliated with or were controlled by the church. This shift led to the church having more influence over the curriculum and teaching methods.

Additionally, while priests were important educators in the early stages of education, universities eventually incorporated a wider range of disciplines and subjects beyond religious instruction. The expanding curriculum included subjects such as law, medicine, philosophy, and literature. This expansion reflected a growing belief in the importance of secular knowledge and intellectual growth alongside religious education.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "How did the role of the church in education change over time?" would be:

C. Schools began to provide education beyond religious instruction.