What is a nature vs character conflict in A Wrinkle in Time book put page number please

To find a specific example of a nature vs character conflict in the book "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle, you would need to refer to the text and locate the page number where such a conflict is described. As an AI language model, I don't have direct access to page numbers or a copy of the book.

However, I can help you understand what a nature vs character conflict generally entails. This conflict deals with the struggle between external forces or circumstances (nature) and the internal qualities, beliefs, or choices of a character. In "A Wrinkle in Time," a possible example of this conflict can be seen when the protagonist, Meg Murry, faces challenges and fights against the evil darkness, represented by the antagonist, IT.

To find a specific instance of this conflict in the book and the corresponding page number, you would need to consult your copy of "A Wrinkle in Time" and look for sections where Meg's personal qualities clash with the external forces she encounters in her quest. You can use different reading strategies, such as scanning chapters or using the book's index to locate specific themes or conflicts.