write a rule for the sequence 8 -1 -10 -19 i need the answers. it is the patterns and rules unit test.

To find the rule for a given sequence, we need to observe the pattern in the numbers. In this sequence, we notice that each number is decreasing by 9. To express this pattern mathematically, we can use the following rule:

Rule: Start with 8 and then subtract 9 from each term.

Now, substituting the terms of the sequence into the rule, we can find the answers:

Term 1: Start with 8 = 8
Term 2: Subtract 9 from 8 = 8 - 9 = -1
Term 3: Subtract 9 from -1 = -1 - 9 = -10
Term 4: Subtract 9 from -10 = -10 - 9 = -19

Therefore, the answers for the sequence 8, -1, -10, -19 are 8, -1, -10, -19, respectively.

To find the rule for the sequence 8, -1, -10, -19, we need to analyze the differences between consecutive terms. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Find the differences between consecutive terms:
Term 2 - Term 1: -1 - 8 = -9
Term 3 - Term 2: -10 - (-1) = -9
Term 4 - Term 3: -19 - (-10) = -9

Step 2: Observe the pattern:
The differences between consecutive terms are all -9.

Step 3: Write the rule:
The rule for this sequence is to subtract 9 from the previous term to find the next term.

Using this rule, we can find the next terms in the sequence:
Term 5 = Term 4 - 9 = -19 - 9 = -28
Term 6 = Term 5 - 9 = -28 - 9 = -37

Therefore, the next terms would be -28 and -37.

Just a quick check to see whether you're trying to cheat
