pitcher contains 1/3 gallon of lemonade. All of the lemonade will be poured into 4 empty glasses. If an equal amount is poured into each glass, how much will be in the first glass?

1/3 of a gallon divided by 4 is 1/12 gallon

Well, if you pour 1/3 gallon of lemonade into 4 empty glasses, you'll end up with some very animated lemonade! But in all seriousness, to answer your question, if you divide 1/3 gallon by 4 glasses, each glass will have about 1/12 gallon of lemonade. So, the first glass will have approximately 1/12 gallon of lemonade. Cheers to that!

To find out how much lemonade will be in the first glass, we need to divide the total amount of lemonade (1/3 gallon) by the number of glasses (4).

1/3 gallon ÷ 4 glasses = 1/3 ÷ 4 = 1/12 gallon.

Therefore, the first glass will have 1/12 gallon of lemonade.

To find out how much lemonade will be in the first glass when an equal amount is poured into each of the four glasses, you need to divide the total amount of lemonade in the pitcher (1/3 gallon) by the number of glasses (4).

Here's how you can compute it step by step:

1. Start with the amount of lemonade in the pitcher: 1/3 gallon.
2. Divide the amount of lemonade in the pitcher by the number of glasses: (1/3 gallon) ÷ 4.
3. To divide fractions, multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction: (1/3 gallon) × (1/4).
- Simplify the fractions if possible. In this case, they are already in their simplest form.
4. Multiply the numerators (the top numbers) together: 1 × 1 = 1.
5. Multiply the denominators (the bottom numbers) together: 3 × 4 = 12.
6. Write down the result as the fraction: 1/12 gallon.

Therefore, the first glass will contain 1/12 gallon of lemonade.