I have an unscramble homework can you guys help the words are sstuenaig another is adijsu ervsed and ogah eorjiceci there is more but if you get this I can ask it.

Use unscramble.net

Of course! I'd be happy to help you unscramble your words. Let's take them one by one:

1. sstuenaig: The unscrambled word is "sustain"
2. adijsu: The unscrambled word is "jadius"
3. ervsed: The unscrambled word is "versed"
4. ogah eorjiceci: The unscrambled word is "hago jeerocic"

If you have any additional words you need help with, please let me know!

Of course, I can help you with unscrambling those words! Unscrambling words involves rearranging the letters to form a word that makes sense. Here are the unscrambled words for the ones you provided:

1. sstuenaig → guessing
To solve this, you can try rearranging the letters until you find a meaningful word. In this case, rearranging "sstuenaig" gives us "guessing."

2. adijsu ervsed → advised judges
Try rearranging the letters to form words. In this case, rearranging "adijsuervsed" gives us "advised judges."

3. ogah eorjiceci → hag jocierice
Unfortunately, "ogah eorjiceci" does not unscramble into a meaningful word. Please make sure the letters are correct and try again.

Feel free to provide the remaining scrambled words, and I'll do my best to help you unscramble them!