If you had to name one character trait that you think made Franklin a success, what would it be?

One character trait that made Benjamin Franklin a success was his insatiable curiosity. Franklin had a natural inclination to explore and learn about the world around him, which fueled his constant pursuit of knowledge and his many achievements.

To determine this character trait, we can examine Franklin's life and accomplishments. Franklin was a polymath who excelled in various fields such as science, writing, diplomacy, and politics. He was deeply curious about the natural world and conducted numerous experiments, leading to groundbreaking discoveries like the nature of electricity. Additionally, Franklin was an avid reader with a strong desire to expand his knowledge and often engaged in intellectual discussions with other intellectuals of his time.

To emulate Franklin's curiosity, you can cultivate a similar mindset by embracing a love for learning. Actively seek out new information and experiences, whether it be through reading books, attending lectures, or engaging in meaningful conversations. Pursue diverse interests and explore different topics to broaden your knowledge base. By maintaining a curious mindset, you can open doors to new opportunities and expand your horizons, just as Franklin did.