Does anybody have the answers for Unit 4 Lesson 8???

It starts with: What is the factored form of q^2-12q+36? PLEASE HELP TODAY!!!! thanks:)

1. B

2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
if you have 6 questions number 6 is A


Thanks! But I need like all of the answers :) Im failing :/

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

I gave you a start. Even so, nobody can give you answers, if the questions are not indicated.

:( ok

Heyo is 100% correct thankyou

To find the factored form of the quadratic expression q^2 - 12q + 36, we can use the fact that it is a perfect square trinomial.

Step 1: Determine if the expression is a perfect square trinomial.
In this case, check if the first and last terms of the trinomial are perfect squares. The first term, q^2, is a perfect square. The last term, 36, is also a perfect square (6^2 = 36). Additionally, the middle term, -12q, is twice the product of the square root of the first term and the square root of the last term (2 * q * 6 = -12q). Therefore, the expression q^2 - 12q + 36 is indeed a perfect square trinomial.

Step 2: Find the square root of the first and last terms.
The square root of q^2 is q, and the square root of 36 is 6.

Step 3: Use the square roots to write the factored form.
The factored form of a perfect square trinomial is given by (term 1 - term 2)^2. In this case, the factored form is (q - 6)^2.

So, the factored form of the expression q^2 - 12q + 36 is (q - 6)^2.