At a particular restaurant, each chicken wing has 75 calories and each slider has 250 calories. A combination meal with chicken wings and sliders is shown to have 800 total calories and twice as many chicken wings as there are sliders. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of chicken wings in the combination meal and the number of sliders in the combination meal. Define the variables that you use to write the system.

Let's define the variables for this problem:

Let's say "w" represents the number of chicken wings in the combination meal.
Let's say "s" represents the number of sliders in the combination meal.

Based on the given information, we can write the following system of equations:

1) The total number of calories from the chicken wings and sliders is 800:
75w + 250s = 800

2) There are twice as many chicken wings as there are sliders:
w = 2s

So the system of equations is:

75w + 250s = 800
w = 2s

These equations can be used to determine the number of chicken wings (w) and sliders (s) in the combination meal.

number of sliders ---- x

number of wings ----- 2x

2x(75) + 250x = 800
150x + 250x = 800
400x = 800
x = 2

so 2 sliders and 4 chicken wings

Twice as many wings as sliders ? YUP
2(75) + 4(250) = 800 ?? YUP

all is good!