modern artists use rules the we’re developed in recent decades in order to produce realistic-looking structures in there drawings. true. false.

If you have the same quick check as me, here are the answers:

1. B: False.
2. A: True.
3. A: How elements relate to each other and to the whole subject.
4. B: Golden section.
5. C: The belly button or naval.


Anonymous Joker is correct tysmmm


Modern artists may use a variety of techniques and rules to create realistic-looking structures in their drawings, but these rules were not developed in recent decades. The foundations of realistic drawing can be traced back centuries, with techniques and principles honed over time by artists throughout history.

To create realistic-looking structures in their drawings, modern artists may employ techniques such as:

1. Proportion and perspective: Understanding how objects relate in size and position helps create a sense of depth and realism.
2. Light and shadow: Effective use of shading, highlights, and shadows can add depth, volume, and realism to objects.
3. Texture and detail: Rendering different textures, surfaces, and details can enhance the realism of the drawing.
4. Observation and study: Careful observation and study of the subject matter, such as studying anatomy or studying from life, can inform the artist and aid in achieving accurate depictions.

These techniques have been practiced and refined by artists for centuries and are not exclusive to recent decades. While modern artists may make use of contemporary tools and technology to assist in their artwork, the underlying principles of creating realistic drawings have long been established.