can anyone help me with the History 9b unit 4 lesson 2 great depression and new deal test (24 questions) i’ve been out of a month and im lost!!! thx :))

Of course! I can definitely help you understand the concepts related to the Great Depression and the New Deal. However, I'm sorry to say that I don't have access to specific test questions or answers. But I can explain the key concepts and events from that time period, which will help you prepare and understand the material covered in the test.

First, it's important to have a clear understanding of what the Great Depression was. The Great Depression was a severe economic downturn that occurred in the 1930s, starting with the stock market crash of 1929. It was the most devastating economic crisis in U.S. history, affecting not only the United States but also several other countries around the world.

To study for your test, you should focus on the causes and effects of the Great Depression. Some key factors that contributed to the Great Depression include:

1. Stock Market Crash: Understanding the events leading up to the stock market crash of 1929 is essential. It was triggered by over-speculation and an unsustainable boom in the stock market.

2. Economic Inequality: Exploring the wealth gap, income disparity, and unequal distribution of resources during the 1920s will help you understand the social and economic conditions that facilitated the Great Depression.

3. Bank Failures and the Banking Crisis: The collapse of banks due to people's inability to repay loans and withdraw their savings resulted in widespread panic and economic instability.

4. Unemployment and Poverty: The Great Depression led to soaring unemployment rates, poverty, and widespread suffering among the American population.

Now, shifting to the New Deal, it was a series of economic reforms and public works projects implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression. The New Deal aimed to provide immediate relief, recovery, and reform to the country's struggling economy and its citizens. Key elements of the New Deal include:

1. Relief Programs: Programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) provided employment opportunities and financial relief for unemployed Americans.

2. Recovery Programs: The National Recovery Administration (NRA) and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) were enacted to revive industries and stabilize prices in agriculture.

3. Financial Reforms: The New Deal also included measures to reform the banking system, such as the establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to secure deposits and restore public confidence in banks.

4. Social Security Act: The Social Security Act provided a safety net for elderly, unemployed, and disabled citizens through financial assistance and benefits.

To study for your test, review the goals, programs, and impacts of the New Deal. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the criticisms and controversies surrounding the New Deal and its long-term effects on the economy and society.

To find specific answers to the questions on your test, consult your textbook, class notes, and any study materials provided by your teacher. It's also helpful to review primary sources, such as speeches, letters, and photographs from that time period, to gain a deeper understanding of the historical context.

Remember, it's essential to study the material thoroughly rather than seeking direct answers to specific test questions. By understanding the concepts and events, you will be better equipped to answer a wide range of questions related to the Great Depression and the New Deal. Good luck with your test!