Using Organic Compounds Quick Check?

1. A spiderweb and a Kevlar jacket have some

obvious differences. Which property is similar
between the web and the jacket?
Arrangement of atoms in molecules
2. Assuming silk from spiderwebs could be
made just as strong as Kevlar, why would a
company still choose to use Kevlar in producing
bulletproof fabrics?
The cost might be higher for producing
spiderweb silk
3. Which microscopic detail affects the strength
of different forms of silk?
Different silk strands have different
combinations of amino acids
4. Which type of silk is the strongest?
Major ampullate
5. Which natural source has been
bioengineered to make silk proteins?
Goat milk

:0 is correct

:O is completely correct 5/5

thanks! 100%

I use these to see if my answers are wrong before submitting… and I got 4/5 right but :0 is 100% correct!!!

To use the Organic Compounds Quick Check, follow these steps:

1. Determine the molecular formula of the organic compound you want to check. The molecular formula represents the number and type of atoms in the compound.

2. Identify the functional groups present in the compound. Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms that give organic compounds their unique properties and reactions.

3. Check if the compound follows the rules of organic nomenclature. Organic compounds are named according to a set of rules that ensure systematic and consistent naming.

4. Determine the physical properties of the compound. Physical properties include characteristics such as melting point, boiling point, solubility, and density. These properties can help in identifying and distinguishing between different compounds.

5. Analyze the chemical reactivity of the compound. Organic compounds often have characteristic reactions, such as combustion, substitution, addition, or elimination reactions. Understanding the reactivity of the compound can provide clues about its structure.

6. Consult reference materials or databases. There are various reference books, online databases, and software programs available that provide detailed information about organic compounds. These resources can help you verify the properties, reactions, and structures of specific compounds.

7. Utilize spectroscopic techniques. Spectroscopy methods, such as infrared spectroscopy (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and mass spectrometry (MS), can provide valuable information about the molecular structure and functional groups present in the compound.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Organic Compounds Quick Check to determine the properties and characteristics of an organic compound.

Just a quick check to see whether you're still trying to cheat.

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