1- 0.6 and -0.6 (d)

2- 1.2 (c)
3- 5a^3b^3sqrt2b (a)
4- -3 + 2 sqrt2 (c)
5- 9 (c)
6- 5(c)
7- about 56 miles per hour(d)
8- c
9- 1970 (a)
10- f^-1(x) = x^3 +2 (c)

To solve each question and find the correct answer, follow these steps:

1. For question 1, the given options are numbers (-0.6 and 0.6). To choose the correct answer, you need more information about the question itself.

2. For question 2, the given option is 1.2. You can directly choose this option as the answer.

3. For question 3, the given option is 5a^3b^3sqrt2b. Again, without more context or the question itself, it is not possible to determine the correct answer.

4. For question 4, the given option is -3 + 2 sqrt2. Just as in previous questions, without the question itself, it is impossible to determine the correct answer.

5. For question 5, the given option is 9. You can directly choose this option as the answer.

6. For question 6, the given option is 5. You can directly choose this option as the answer.

7. For question 7, the given option is about 56 miles per hour. This option can be considered as the correct answer, but again, without the question, it cannot be confirmed.

8. For question 8, the given option is "c." Without more information or the question, we cannot determine if this is the correct answer.

9. For question 9, the given option is 1970. You can directly choose this option as the answer.

10. For question 10, the given option is f^-1(x) = x^3 + 2. Without the original question or proper context, it is difficult to confirm if this is the correct answer.