Please check my answers!

At the state level, positions like the Secretary of State and the Attorney General are elected by voters instead of being appointed by the governor. What does this say about how state government
compares to the federal government? (Select two answers)
A. Checks and balances
B.Separation of powers
C. Popular sovereignty**
D. Federalism**

C. Popular sovereignty

D. Federalism

Based on the information provided, the two answers that can be selected are C. Popular sovereignty and D. Federalism.

C. Popular sovereignty refers to the principle that the authority of a government is derived from the consent of the governed. Electing officials like the Secretary of State and the Attorney General at the state level by voters reflects the idea that the power resides with the people.

D. Federalism is the division of power between the central government and the state governments. The fact that these positions are elected at the state level, rather than appointed by the governor, indicates a level of autonomy and independent decision-making within state governments, which aligns with the concept of federalism.

To check your answer for this question, let's break down the options and see which ones are correct.

A. Checks and balances: Checks and balances refer to the system in which different branches of government have powers that counterbalance the powers of other branches, helping to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch. In this case, the fact that positions like the Secretary of State and the Attorney General are elected by voters at the state level does not necessarily speak to the concept of checks and balances between branches of government. So this option is not correct.

B. Separation of powers: Separation of powers means that different branches of government are assigned different powers and responsibilities as a means of preventing the abuse of power. This option is also not directly related to the question, as it doesn't specifically address the method of selecting positions like the Secretary of State and the Attorney General.

C. Popular sovereignty: Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of the government is derived from the consent of the people. If positions like the Secretary of State and the Attorney General are elected by voters at the state level, it indicates that the people have the power to choose their representatives in these positions. Therefore, this option is likely correct.

D. Federalism: Federalism refers to the division of power between a central governing authority and regional units. While it is true that state governments exist within a federal system, the method of selecting positions like the Secretary of State and the Attorney General does not directly relate to the principles of federalism. So this option is not a direct answer to the question.

Based on this analysis, the two correct answers for the question are:
C. Popular sovereignty
D. Federalism

Remember to always carefully read the question and options provided to ensure that you are selecting the most appropriate answers.