What organisms can use asexual reproduction? Select all that apply.


To determine which organisms can use asexual reproduction, we need to understand the concept of asexual reproduction and then analyze each organism.

Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which offspring are derived from a single parent, without the involvement of gametes (sex cells) or the fusion of genetic material. There are several methods of asexual reproduction, such as binary fission, budding, and vegetative propagation.

Analyzing each organism provided:

1. Humans: Humans reproduce sexually, wherein two parents contribute genetic material to create offspring. Therefore, humans cannot use asexual reproduction.

2. Dandelions: Dandelions can reproduce through asexual reproduction. They produce seeds that can germinate new dandelion plants without the need for sexual reproduction.

3. Strawberries: Strawberries can reproduce through asexual reproduction. They have runners or stolons which actively spread across the ground and establish new individual strawberry plants.

4. Starfish: Starfish can regenerate lost body parts, but this is not considered true asexual reproduction. They still require sexual reproduction for producing offspring.

5. Dogs: Dogs reproduce sexually, necessitating the involvement of two parents. Therefore, they cannot use asexual reproduction.

6. Bacteria: Bacteria are well-known for their ability to undergo asexual reproduction. They mostly reproduce through a process called binary fission, where one bacterial cell splits into two identical daughter cells.

In conclusion, the organisms that can use asexual reproduction from the given list are dandelions, strawberries, and bacteria.