3/5 of Jack's savings is equal to 2/3 of Asher's savings. The difference in their savings is equal to 1/5 of Fred's savings. Jack saves $90 more than Fred. Find the total amount of saving of all 3 boys.

Jack --- x

Asher ---- y
(3/5)x = (2/3)y
3x/5 = 2y/3
9x = 10y
y = 9/10 x

(1/5) Fred = x-y
Fred = 5x-5y

Jack - Fred = 90
x - 5x + 5y = 90
-4x + 5(9/10)x = 90
-40x + 45x = 900
5x = 900
x = 180

Jack has 180, Asher has (9/10)(180) or 162
and Fred has 5x-5y = 90

Add them up, and check for all the given conditions